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Tin Cabin Publishing is a self-publishing venture part of Esther Bordet Painting. It was initiated in the spring of 2022 as a channel for publishing short comics and short written pieces about and around comics.​ Tin Cabin Publishing also establishes my love for the creative process of making books. The logo is directly inspired from the place I live and built with my own hands. Tin Cabin Publishing is located on the traditional lands of the Ta'an Kwach'an Council and the Kwanlin Dün First Nation, near the city of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada.



Deuxième partie: Mémoires du Haut Barun

Publication Décembre 2024​.


Cette histoire s'inspire des aventures himalayennes de mon grand-oncle, Pierre Bordet, géologue, au début des années 50. Dans ce livre-ci,  le camp de base du Makalu situé dans la haute vallée du Barun, est un lieu magnétique et hors du temps à 5 000 mètres d’altitude, autour duquel gravitent tous les protagonistes. Parmi eux, les alpinistes et géologues des expéditions françaises, des centaines de Sherpas et porteurs, et quelques randonneurs se rencontrent, au fil d’une trame temporelle tissée entre les années 1954-1955 et 2019. 


Part Two: Thin-Air Memories

Release December 2024.


This story is inspired by the Himalayan adventures of my great-uncle Pierre Bordet, geologist, back in the early fifties. In this book, the base camp of Makalu, located in the Barun valley, is a magnetic and timeless place at 5,000 m elevation, around which all the protagonists gravitate. Among them, the French mountaineers and geologists, hundreds of Sherpas and porters, and a few trekkers meet, weaving their stories between 1954-1955 and 2019.




Première partie: le périple vers le Népal 

Publié en Mai 2024.


Cette histoire s'inspire des aventures himalayennes de mon grand-oncle, Pierre Bordet, géologue, au début des années 50. Ce livre-ci réunit les deux premiers chapitres de la bande dessinée. Il explique le contexte historique des expéditions françaises en Himalaya en 1954 et 1955, et suit la progression des alpinistes depuis l’Europe vers le Népal, à l’automne 1954. Cette « marche d’approche » de plusieurs milliers de kilomètres est un récit épique! J’espère qu’il vous donnera envie de poursuivre la lecture du récit intégral, dont la publication est prévue en 2025.


Part One: The Journey to Nepal

Published May 2024.


This story is inspired by the Himalayan adventures of my great-uncle Pierre Bordet, geologist, back in the early fifties. This book combines the opening chapters of the graphic novel. It provides some historical context about the 1954 and 1955 French expeditions to the Himalayas, and follows the alpinists from Europe to Nepal, in the fall of 1954. This “approach hike” is an epic adventure. I hope it will capture your interest and convince you to read the rest of the story, with an anticipated publication date in early 2025.  




Published May 2024.


This zine is a personal, bilingual, self-curated artistic project, which I mean to use as a space to share new and older comics and cartoons, and fulfill my curiosity for the book making and publication process. Loon Unchained ties my two identities: it is a reference to both the Canadian bird icon, and to the famous French satiric newspaper Le Canard Enchaîné (the chained duck).


Makalu: The story behind the panels

Published June 2022.


An illustrated booklet revisiting two years of graphic novel creation on the Makalu project, to clarify the not-so-obvious link between geology and comics creation, and to entice potential readers to follow the rest of the project until its completion! The booklet comprises an exclusive 8-pages comics as well as sketches and original panels from the graphic novel.

Copyright Esther Bordet Painting 2024
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