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My graphic novel MAKALU was released in 2024. The first part, "The journey to Nepal” was published in May 2024, and the second part "Thin-air memories" in December 2024. The first book provides some historical context about the 1954-55 French expeditions to the Himalayas, and follows the alpinists on their epic journey from Europe to India, and then Nepal. In the second part, we follow the adventures of the different characters around Makalu Base Camp, across different periods.

En 2024, j'ai publié ma première bande dessinée MAKALU. La première partie, "Le périple vers le Népal", explique le contexte historique des expéditions françaises en Himalaya en 1954 et 1955, et suit l’épopée des alpinistes depuis l’Europe vers l’Inde, puis le Népal. La seconde partie, "Mémoires du Haut Barun", relate les aventures des différents protagonistes autour du camp de base, et à travers les époques. 


In 1954 and 1955, my great-uncle Pierre Bordet, a geologist, joined the French mountaineering expeditions to Nepal. On May 15th, 1955, the French alpinists successfully reached the summit of Makalu, fifth highest mountain in the world. Meanwhile, Pierre’s was one of the first geologists to map parts of the largely unexplored Himalaya mountain range. His travels to the Makalu region initiated over 20 years of geological research and mapping expeditions across Nepal and Afghanistan.

The graphic novel “Makalu” is inspired from Pierre’s journal “Mémoires de mon marteau” and from the hundreds of archive photographs he took during his travels, which are part of my family legacy. In 2019, I followed Pierre’s tracks to Makalu Base Camp. This travel led me to imagine a story where we would both meet in this magical and magnificent place on the top of the world.

En 1954 et 1955, mon grand-oncle Pierre Bordet fut invité à accompagner les expéditions françaises au Népal en tant que géologue. Le 15 Mai 1955, les alpinistes arrivaient pour la première fois au sommet du Makalu, 5e plus haute montagne du monde. Pendant ce temps, Pierre était l’un des premiers à cartographier cette région de la chaine himalayenne, alors complètement sous-explorée. Ses deux missions au Makalu initièrent 20 ans de de recherches géologiques à travers les montagnes du Népal et de l’Afghanistan.

La bande dessinée « Makalu » est inspirée du journal de Pierre « Mémoires de mon marteau » et de ses centaines d’archives photographiques qui font partie de mon héritage familial. En 2019, je suis partie sur les traces de Pierre au camp de base du Makalu. À la suite de ce voyage, j’ai imaginé une histoire dans laquelle on se rencontrerait dans ce lieu magique et magnifique sur le toit du monde.

Sample pages

Sample pages

Funding and other support

  • Funding for the publication of “Makalu – Part 1: The journey to Nepal” was made possible through the assistance of Express Micro-grant, Department of Tourism and Culture, Yukon, John Streicker, Minister.

  • Cultural Industry Training Fund, Department of Tourism and Culture, Yukon, to attend the Toronto Comic Arts Festival in June 2022

  • Jenni House residency, May 2021, supported by the umbrella arts organization ArtsNet in partnership with a collective of Yukon-based arts organizations including the Yukon Arts Centre, Yukon Film Society, Jazz Yukon and Music Yukon.

© Esther Bordet 2020

Radio interviews, articles & presentations


"A family story". Radio interview with Dave White on Airplay, CBC Yukon, May 9, 2024.


“Graphic Novel: Journey To Makalu”. Article by Heather Leduc, What’s Up Yukon, July 6, 2022. 

“Makalu: the story behind the panels”. Solo exhibition at the Arts Underground Gallery, Whitehorse, June 2022.

"Esther Bordet :  son périple au Népal devient roman graphique". Entrevue radiophonique avec Virginie Hamel, Culture et confiture, CBC, June 5, 2021.

“Makalu: a graphic novel journey". Presentation at Northlight Innovation, December 16, 2020.

"Jenni House artist walking in relative's steps". Radio Interview, Airplay with Dave White, CBC, May 18, 2021.

"Exhibit charts art project's progress". Radio Interview, Airplay with Dave White, CBC, June 6, 2022. 

More info?

I am posting regular updates about this project on my Instagram account (@estherbordetpainting). Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Je poste des mises à jour de ce projet régulièrement sur mon compte Instagram (@estherbordetpainting). N’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions!

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